Fill out the survey below to help shape our next Strategic Plan! * Where do you live, work or go to school? Where is your primary residence? Ameliasburgh Athol Bloomfield Hallowell Hillier North Marysburgh Picton Sophiasburgh South Maryhsburg Wellington Other Do you face any barriers in accessing library services, the facilities, or collections? * What is your age range? 13-17 18-24 25-64 65+ Prefer not to answer * What language do you speak at home? English Other Language Do you feel represented and welcome in your library space? Do you see yourself reflected in our collections and programs? * Which branch do you consider your “home” branch? (Check more than one if applicable) Ameliasburgh Bloomfield Consecon Milford Picton Wellington * In the last year, how often have you visited a branch in person? At least once a week At least once a month Several times a year Never – only online Don’t remember * Thinking of your “home” branch, how is the quality of the facility? I have not visited in years Excellent Good Fair (needs renovating/updating) Poor (needs to be fully renovated) Other Please explain * In the last year, how often have you visited a branch in person? At least once a week At least once a month Several times a year Never – only online Don’t remember * How long have you used the library? Less than 1 year 1 - 5 years 5 -10 years 10+ years If you do not use the library: Why not? What would bring you to the library? * Over the next 5 years what are the most significant issues you or your community will be facing? Select the top 3 Aging population Climate change and sustainability Affordable housing Cost of living Employment and skills training Intellectual freedom and democracy Literacy - children and youth Social isolation Technology access Other If other, please explain * What could the library do to help you and/or your community? Digital downloads Access to things (toys, tools, tech) After-school programs Maker skills (sewing, crafts, design) Online programs Early literacy focus Longer hours “Other than book” clubs (e.g. cooking with herbs, board games, travelogue, etc)